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Empower Your Journey

Become who you want to BE

Do what you want to DO

Have the things you are meant to HAVE


Question Your Story,
Shift your Perception,
Create the life you desire.

Be who you want to be. 

What if your story, was up to YOU?  How much easier would it be to become who you want to be, if you could let go of your limiting beliefs, learn how to dissolve your baggage and shift the way you see yourself and the world?  The Empowerment Breakthrough Session teaches you to do all these things in a weekend, instead of taking years to unravel it all. 

  • Uncover your unconscious programming and update your operating system by learning to release baggage, limiting beliefs and painful stories that hold you back. 


  • Learn to understand your values at the deepest level of your programming, and realign them to meet your desires.


  • Install new strategies that help you get what you WANT, and learn how to harness the power of your mind to let go of the old ones. 


  • Find the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in the rut, and LET THEM GO. We don't just challenge them in the breakthrough we RELEASE them.

Change Happens in an INSTANT

We use the best tools from NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), energy work and personal growth to facilitate change. We work together to help you question your story, shift your perspective and create a radical shift in the way you see yourself and the world. You can choose to believe that change takes a lifetime, or worse yet, that you are at the mercy of the world outside you, OR you get to learn to see it another way.


Is it true, that change takes a lifetime? Have you ever believed something, and then realized it wasn't true? What about Santa Claus? From believing to knowing it wasn't real... that happened in an INSTANT. The same can be true for any other limiting belief you have. That you aren't good enough, that you are too old, that you don't have time, or that you don't matter.  All those beliefs can change in an instant. 


How is it holding you back to believe that change is impossible? Who does it turn you into? What does it stop you from being, doing or having? You have a picture of who you want to be, and the Empowerment Breakthrough will help you become who you want to be. It's like being shot out of a cannon in the direction you want to go. 


What if it wasn't true? What if change was attainable? How would that change things? What would that mean for you? Who could you be? What could you have and what would you do if you were free from your baggage? â€‹

What's included in The Empowerment Breakthrough

Before the Session

  • Meet with your coach to go over expectations, goals, intentions and desired outcomes. 

  • Detailed questionnaire to help you focus in on what is holding you back and where you want to go. 

  • Educational Resources to educate and inspire you. Learn about the unconscious mind, the power of belief, and the clinical research behind what we do. 

The Empowerment Breakthrough Session
Day 1

  • Day 1: We examine your patterns, history, and programming to identify limiting beliefs, strategies, and stories that hold you back. We identify the greater problem that creates the biggest barrier to the life you want. â€‹

The Empowerment Breakthrough Session
Day 2

  • Day 2: We release the old stories, the limiting beliefs and the baggage of old emotions and strategies for life that no longer serve you using the tools of NLP and energy healing. ​​​On this day we release the baggage, align your values, update your unconscious programming, update the operating system of your beliefs and create a compelling vision of your future that will give you the roadmap you need to create the life you want. 

After The Session

  • 3 months of intensive, one on one coaching. Weekly sessions help you dial in your vision for the future and stay on track with the action you need to take to achieve the life you desire. Your coach will guide you and help you have laser focus. This part of the program is extremely important. We release the baggage and create the vision for the future in the Empowerment Breakthrough, and after the session YOU HAVE TO TAKE ACTION, including enforcing boundaries. After your session is a critical time. It's where you have to run with the change. This is where most people lose focus and get off track. I want to see you succeed, so coaching comes with the program! We use this time to create a customized and step by step action plan for you. 

Is it for you?

The Empowerment Breakthrough Session may be a good fit for you if...

Hamster Wheel

You are sick of running on the hamster wheel of your painful story. 

You have spent a significant amount of time working with traditional healing modalities. You feel like you are just spinning your wheels and repeating your story over and over again and going nowhere. If this sounds like you, and you want a different approach the Empowerment Breakthrough may be for you.

Old Alarm Clock

You want change NOW, not five years from now. 

Does the idea of unpacking your baggage over the next several years sound daunting and down right discouraging? Yeah, it did for me too. In NLP, we believe change can happen in an INSTANT. If you are looking for a rapid shift to your perspective the Empowerment Breakthrough may be for you.

Writing by the Water

You want to write your own story. 

If you are tired of being told that it's not up to you, if you are sick of believing that the world outside you gets to dictate what's happening INSIDE YOU, the Empowerment Breakthrough helps you take your power back. Drop the baggage, shift your perspective and build the life you desire. Your story IS your choice. 

I learned to question my story, and so can you...

My name is Mirilena Lee

I began my spiritual journey over 20 years ago, and how I was then, who I was, would be unrecognizable to you today. I was stuck in my own painful story, convinced I was a victim to the world outside of me. I felt helpless and as if my story was not my choice. Since then I have not only survived, but THRIVED. I learned to question all the painful stories I believed to be true. With each and every client I work with, I believe, in their power to change, to harness the power of their unconscious mind, to bring about a radical shift in the way they see the world. NLP, Shadow work, Breathwork and Energy are all different doorways to the same healing. We use every tool in my toolbox to help you learn to question your story, shift your perspective and radically shift your life and relationships. I see you in your wholeness. Because my teachers saw me in my wholeness. It is my life's mission to help others find the path to empowerment, as my teachers helped me. I was never broken, I only believed I was. And when you decide that what you believe is up to you, you become the medicine you seek.

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Our Clients Say

Woman Facing Away

"I never would have believed that I could let go of baggage this fast. I spent years in therapy. And it helped me, but it only took me so far. I had a core belief that I was shocked to uncover on day 1. We released that belief, and let go of a lifetime of emotional baggage in one day. It felt like being launched in the direction I wanted to go. I had tried everything before NLP. From therapy to hypnotherapy, and it all helped a little. My breakthrough session set me FREE.

Marie, Empowerment Breakthrough

Ready to "Question Your Story?!"

Woman on Bridge

The Empowerment Breakthrough

Focus on ONE major area of your life. Propel yourself towards what you desire with 3/6/or 12 months of ongoing support. 

Relationship Alchemy may be paired with The Empowerment Breakthrough Session! Ask your coach for details.

Sunset Walk_edited.jpg

A 16 week course to help you find radical autonomy, acceptance, and a sense of owning your story.

Relationship Alchemy helps you to remember that your story is up to you. Enjoy lifetime access to the course.


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